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1.  NLIST (National Library and Information services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content)

Our college get access to selected electronic resources including e-journals and e-books.




E-Journals (Fulltext)

 American Institute of Physics [18 titles]

 Annual Reviews [33 titles]

 Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) [1 title]

 Indian Journals [180+ titles]

 Institute of Physics [46 titles]

 JSTOR [2500+ titles]

 Oxford University Press [262 titles]

 Royal Society of Chemistry [29 titles]

 H. W. Wilson [3000+ titles]

 Cambridge University Press [224 titles] (2010-2016)


 Cambridge Books Online [1800 titles]

 E-brary [185000+ titles]

 EBSCoHost-Net Library [936 titles]

 Hindustan Book Agency [65+ titles]

 Institute of South East Asian Studies(ISEAS) Books [382+ titles]

 Oxford Scholarship [1402+ titles]

 Springer eBooks [2300 titles]

 Sage Publication eBooks [1000 titles]

 Taylor Francis eBooks [1800 titles]

 Myilibrary-McGraw Hill [1124 titles]

 South Asia Archive [through NDL]

 World e-Books Library [Now Available through NDL only]



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